
Stonington- Pictorial

Moonrise over Stonington
Returning to this little town for our 5th stay, I decided not to write about it but wanted to share some of the photos snapped during our 2-week visit.  Having just returned from South America, we really weren't planning on this trip, it just sort of happened.  A conversation that led to airline reservations and off we went.  We secured a two-bedroom house located along the waterfront near the center of the town, so even though we had a rental vehicle, we rarely needed to use it.  Kayaks were included in our house rental, so we were able to go out whenever the mood struck us and the weather cooperated.  Stonington’s delightful weather, with highs around 75 and evening lows in the mid to high 50s, was a wonderful reprieve from the Florida heat.  Alan painted, almost daily, and I wore a path each morning along the waterfront in search of the quintessential Maine photograph.

One of the 300 local lobster boats heading out with a full load
At Moose Island

At Nellieville, a favorite stop in town
Ames Pond
One of the many schooners that visit the town

Alan at work near the Stonington Lobster Co-Op
Near Moose Island
Exploring the waterfront
Alan at Cooper Farm on Caterpillar Hill in our quest for wild blueberries

Stonington Lobster Co-Op
At Barred Island
Kayaking with friends, Rich and Gloria Apple, along the waterfront
At Sand Beach

Lobster Quiche- recipe here

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