
Our Co-pilot

April 16, 2011,  When I first started writing about our travels two years ago, I didn't write about our Siberian Husky, Tasha, because we didn't think she was going to be with us much longer.  I didn't want to write about her passing to the big RV in the sky.   We had been told by her vet at home, and another vet we consulted in Atlanta when we stopped to visit with Nicole and Robert, that her life was coming close to the end.  We didn't think she'd make it to Alaska, or back to Florida again, or up to Nova Scotia, or back again.  But, she proved them wrong.  She did make it for the big trips and many little trips as well.

As soon as the engine on the RV started, she assumed her position between Alan and me.  She never wanted to miss any part of the trips.  On occasion, she would even try to help "drive" by climbing into Alan's lap or under his legs.  She was usually exhausted by the time we arrived at our destination and promptly went to sleep.  She took her responsibility very seriously.

A strikingly, beautiful puppy with deep blue eyes, it was love at first sight.  When we first brought her home over 16 years ago, she was going to be Nicole's dog.  This worked well for a while. But as Tasha grew, her strength and independent nature were too much for Nicole to handle.  Siberian Huskies are one-person dogs.  In the end, Alan was her first love.

This week,  after numerous knocks on death's door, she has passed away.  This was more difficult than either of us had imagined.  There was no surprise, we have known this was coming.  But, when we hit the road in a couple of weeks, our co-pilot will no
longer be with us and it will be a very sad drive indeed.

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